Step #12. Remember
This entire series, 12 Steps to Stay in Tune this Season, isn’t the end all be all. I don’t attempt...
Ginger is a work-from-home mom of two girls, the wife of a good man, as well as a speaker and writer. Her book, Forget the Corsage, was written to mentor the young women she’s met in auditoriums around the country. She has a deep desire to connect with women of all ages and encourage them to laugh, learn from her many mistakes, and connect with the Lord through a rich study of Scripture.
This entire series, 12 Steps to Stay in Tune this Season, isn’t the end all be all. I don’t attempt...
I want you to think of something that you really wanted for Christmas when you were a kid. Make sure...
I promise I’m not just stating the obvious when I tell you that giving love is an important part of...
When I read the gospels, I usually skim through the Christmas story. The nativity is repeated so often during December...
“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to...
Joy to the World is one of my favorite Christmas Carols, and it might just be THE favorite. This morning...
I didn’t post anything yesterday. Since starting this series I’ve made an attempt to post every Tuesday and Wednesday. My...
First words that come to mind when I tell you that there are eight days until Thanksgiving and thirty-four until...
Friday afternoon I was sitting at a nail salon getting a pedicure for the first time in five months. It...
I know exactly when my daughter needs a nap. She switches from her usual lovely self to an angry/fussy version...