I am so thankful to know that we have a God who welcomes us even as we stumble forward. “He...
Ginger is a work-from-home mom of two girls, the wife of a good man, as well as a speaker and writer. Her book, Forget the Corsage, was written to mentor the young women she’s met in auditoriums around the country. She has a deep desire to connect with women of all ages and encourage them to laugh, learn from her many mistakes, and connect with the Lord through a rich study of Scripture.
I am so thankful to know that we have a God who welcomes us even as we stumble forward. “He...
I celebrated a birthday this week and received many thoughtful gifts, notes, and treasures. Two of my treasures just happened...
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip...
Hi Ginger. Lately I have been struggling with the sin of apathy in my Christian life. It has become so...
Today I’m guest posting for an old friend while he is on Sabbatical. He wrote in December and asked if...
Hey Ginger! I am struggling about my self-confidence. I know that I am supposed to love myself for who I...
“Trust is not a passive state of mind. It is a vigorous act of the soul by which we choose...
What a week of ups and downs. I wanted to share a video that I saw months ago, but was...
It shouldn’t have bothered me. I was calling my doctor’s office to see if I could schedule a follow-up appointment…...
You are seven days into 2013. If the newness is already wearing off and, like me, you find that your...