Pray for my little family of three right now if you have a moment. We are taking Little Miss on her first flight this morning. I’ve never been afraid of flying but I do have an immense fear of disrupting the peace. I am a rule follower. So the idea that I have this little someone who will possibly scream, leak out fluids, and cause disruptions is less than exciting. But I know that we will learn a lot. God continues to teach me about releasing control. YAY FOR ANOTHER LESSON!
I’m thrilled for the opportunity to introduce Baby Girl to my extended family, but I’m also pumped to be speaking at my first event post-baby. I’m going to be hanging out with Jr. High students this weekend and talking about living wide awake. Throw a prayer up for that one as well!
Saturday afternoon I’m having my first event for the release of my book, Forget the Corsage. I’m so thankful it is happening in a place that has such a rich history for me: Tyler, Texas.
If you are in the area on Saturday afternoon, I would love to see you, meet you, and hug your neck. (Just your neck. My sister tells me this phrase is a little terrifying.)
Because it’s a party, cookies are likely to be involved. (I’m not above bribery.) See you at The Scroll on Saturday. If not, I’ll be back on the blog next week.
Happy Weekending!