“If you are caught, as I was, in the barrenness of a too-busy life, look to Jesus. The gospels reveal Him as a man who had learned the importance of saying no. The were times when He said no to the demands and requests made of Him, times when He said no to the crowd and got away to be alone with His disciples, times when He left the disciples to be alone with His Father.”
-Colleen Townsend Evans
The theme of all my reading this week has been loud and clear: rather than working hard to rest, open your hands and let Jesus show you how to trust. If I can listen when He calls me to serve and labor, then I must also learn to listen for the call that says: “Enough for today. Come and rest.”
Today’s Thursday Tip is an exercise in listening…
Listening from Ginger Ciminello on Vimeo.
“Jesus looked to God for guidance and direction for His days. He listened for that one voice over the roar of all other voices calling for His time and energy and help. And so must we. For Jesus that meant that sometimes He did not get to those close to Him in their time of need…
And so we, like Jesus, must listen for that one voice above every other, and let God guide us in every aspect of our daily lives. But that will mean learning the important lesson of being willing to say no to people in order to say yes to God.”
-Colleen Townsend Evans
I hope today you find a chance to slip away…
Following and Listening,