I’m buckling up and setting my sights on a goal this summer. Because of that, I won’t have the time to devote writing posts for the blog during the month of June. But rather than just going silent, I’ve decided to try something different. I love hearing from you and thoroughly enjoy the interaction and feedback that happens in the comment section.
This month I’m going to ask YOU questions. I will weigh in with my own answers, but I’m mainly interested in just getting to know you. Some of the questions will be fun while others will hopefully take us deeper. After all… June is for questions.
QUESTION #3. What is the best work of fiction you’ve read this year?
I’m just now realizing how few works of fiction I’ve read in the past year. It’s pretty astounding considering the fact that I used to reread the entire Harry Potter series at least once a year. I think I’m going to have to go with an oldie but a goodie: Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis. (Hunger Games probably comes in second.)
Do share!