Choosing a college
Deciding “what to do with THE REST OF MY LIFE”
Making a big move to another state
Trusting someone to say “I do” and enter into marriage
Starting my own business venture
I suppose scary is relative. There are plenty of scary movies or situations that are definitely much more worthy of the “scary” title. I’ve definitely had those moments. But what I’m talking about is the kind of fear that keeps us up at night or the anxiety that keeps us guessing and worrying throughout the day.
I don’t even like choosing where to eat my meals, much less what to do with the rest of my life. So when it came to my college graduation I had a plan… I wasn’t hearing God audibly, so I tried to quiet myself and just listen. I tried driving my car out into the middle of a field and opening the sunroof and looking at the stars. I tried opening my Bible, closing my eyes and pointing… but I didn’t really hear anything.
I felt desperate. I had tears rolling down my face during prayer as I begged, “TELL ME WHAT TO DO!
But what takes more faith – an arrow that says “go right here” or taking steps and trusting that He sees me and will guide me?
I become nervous even when I speak or take the stage. It doesn’t mean I’m doubting… I just have to learn to go IN SPITE OF the fear and remember that He is with me.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
If you are searching for answers today, trust that God will be with you wherever you go. Seek to honor Him with your life and He will continue to guide your steps.
”Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.” -Corrie ten Boom
Following and listening,