In recent years I’ve made a valiant effort to try and become a runner. I moved from speed walking to running. I aimed for minutes and then I started aiming for miles. I tackled my first 5k and then my first 10k. Everything in me wanted to conquer a half marathon this past year, but between changing jobs, addresses, and last names… the training stopped. Soon I was finding every excuse NOT to run. I claimed rollerblades for my exercise and began doing some serious strength training at the gym. I could tell you that my running stalemate came from a boring playlist or the heat in Arizona, but honestly… I stepped off the train and just never stepped back on it.
The morning of my 10k I ran faster miles than I ever have before. I felt adrenaline and focus that usually failed me around mile 4. The morning after my 10k felt nothing like the race. I hated every minute. I wanted the energy back.
I ran 2 miles on the treadmill yesterday. They were SLOW miles, but I did it. I started remembering why I do enjoy running, how actually finishing a goal makes me so excited.
I’ve been going to camps and retreats my whole life. Usually they inject my spiritual life with a sort of caffeine. I worship more, desire God’s word more, and even feel God’s presence in a richer way… for a time. But the problem is that when I return home after such an experience, I’m wanting an experience that FEELS like camp… and everyday life just doesn’t always feel that way.
So… what to do?
The Race from Ginger Ciminello on Vimeo.
It’s important to remember that your spiritual journey is a marathon, not a sprint. You will get tired, just like a runner. That’s why you need the nourishment of God’s Word, the encouragement of fellowship, and the care for your temple to see you through the tough days of training! Hang in there. Keep talking to God. He is FOR you, and not against you!
“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.” Acts 20:24
Following and running,