I was sitting here trying to think of what I could possibly have to share this week. There are movies, cds, books, blogs, companies, causes galore… but this week I can’t do it.
Here’s the story…
-I’m packing up to fly to Texas on Saturday morning to speak next week at a youth camp. (Yay!)
-I’m teaching through the entire book of Nehemiah during the week. (Overwhelming.)
-I get to see a friend AND spend time with my parents for a few hours as a result of said trip to Texas. (Huzzah!)
-My health is not cooperating and lymph nodes are swelling on my neck like crazy. (No bueno.)
-But if God has given me a task to do He certainly knows HOW it’s going to get done. (Amen.)
-As a result of all this craziness and the fact that I do not know if I will have wifi next week… I’m seriously considering taking a week off blogging. (*Sigh*)
-As soon as I typed that last statement, I started wondering how I could still pull 5 posts together, still set up twitter, and facebook, and… and I just don’t have it in me. (Head shake.)
-And then I remembered this post and I decided to give in. (Relief.)
-So forgive me, blog friends. I’m sorry I’m not better prepared… but this Friday I’m finding peace by giving in and looking up.
-I’m going silent next week. No e-mails, tweets, status updates, blog posts or anything of the sort. I’m going to take a break… pour out, fill up, spend some time in nature and hopefully return to you in a better state… more Him, less me.
While I’m gone, will you pray for me?
-Pray that my body wards off sickness
-Retention from the months of studying and learning about Nehemiah
-That I’m able to connect with these high school students
-That my heart would be fully engaged, right where I am
-And more than anything, will you pray that they remember HIS name and not mine
“Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel…” Ephesians 6:19
Following and learning,