Advent: Coming or Arrival
I had hoped to light candles more often and create a more peaceful welcome in my heart and home this Advent season. The wreath, devotions, music, Jesse Tree – all of those plans fell by the wayside as the month unfurled. They were traded in for plane tickets to attend my grandfather’s funeral, frequent trips to the playground with a restless toddler, play-dates with neighbors, parties with friends, and a few quiet moments in front of the glowing tree.
It could be so easy to turn this time into yet another list. “Ginger, quiet yourself, prepare Him room! Have you prepared Him room?” My heart was challenged and comforted this morning in the thought that He is coming whether I feel ready or not. Even if I never catch up and send all the Christmas cards or take baked goods to my neighbors, He is still drawing near.
The love that has been coming for all of us since the beginning of time continues pursuing His people even now. He is in the relationships at the playground. He is standing in the receiving line at the funeral. God is WITH us – Emmanuel – and that is the gift of Christmas.
God graciously came to this world in the midst of the shouting and pain. He didn’t wait for the world to sit in silence and peace. He came to be our peace.
I remind myself that the coming of a baby is never quiet. The needs of this world shout for a Savior. Things are not as they should be.
We are living in the now, but not yet. The Savior has come and he will come again. So tomorrow morning I will pull myself from warm sheets, pour a cup of coffee, and remind myself that Advent is not what I do, but who I wait for.
No more let sins and sorrows grow,
Nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make His blessings flow
Far as the curse is found.
Merry Christmas.