I so enjoy personal, handmade gifts. . . especially if I don’t have to be the one to make them. That’s where Etsy comes in. Without Etsy (an online handmade/creative store) my house might just be cream painted walls and some photos in frames. Slowly but surely the artwork from Etsy is adding personality to our space. I have a few different shops that I work with frequently, so I thought I would share the beautiful craftsmanship with you for the next few Fridays.
I’ve been planning on using Peter Rabbit as a jumping off point for a girl nursery for years. When I was really little my grandparents gave me a Wedgwood set of Peter Rabbit dishes from their months spent in England. I didn’t want giant decals on the wall, just a base for colors and a unifying theme. As you will see below, we ended up with soft blue walls, green bedding, and pale prints. My goal was crisp, clean, and feminine. I’m so pleased with the results.
I have to mention the bunting in the pic! With the help of my mother-in-law, sis-in-law, and the sewing machine and genes from my own mom – I made them! This was my first big sewing project since being in costume practicum in college. The basics came back after we finally figured out how to load the bobbin on my machine. I picked up the inspiration for this mobile of sorts from Pinterest. Here’s the blog post that ultimately gave me a direction for the project.
The three prints you can see in the photos above are all from a fabulous little shop on Etsy: Printable Wisdom. I love that I found a native Texan who was so willing to work with our changes and ideas. She was super speedy, affordable, and talented. I highly recommend this shop!
We finished off the room with a name print that she customized to our color and print needs.
There you go. Kudos to Ashley at Printable Wisdom. Now get yourself over to her shop!
Happy Friday!
p.s. Any shops you frequent?!