“Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.” – Ronald E. Osborn
I have 6:30am flight to Charlotte, North Carolina this Friday morning. I’m attending the Proverbs 31, She Speaks Conference. I’m really excited and a tad bit nervous for my first gathering of this kind. There are lots of new opportunities for networking, learning, and growing, but I kind feel like I’m walking into my freshman year of high school all over again. Yeesh. When does that go away? Perhaps it’s the 650 women in attendance (that’s a LOT of women), or the business professional dress code, or the evaluation groups… but I feel a little like a fish out of water.
And while I think some of my feelings are valid, I’m not about to let them do the decision making over the weekend. Typical Ginger would keep to herself, act like there’s something interesting on her phone, and head to bed around 9:30pm. It’s time to move past typical if I want to see some growth.
I’m hoping that I muster all of my courage and become a social butterfly. When we are forced to break from our comfort zones, I think it pushes us to rely on God and to stop making excuses for the stagnate parts of our lives. Adventures begin with doing, going, and trusting. Peter may have only walked on water for a few moments but he is still the only one of the twelve disciples who can say they walked on water AT ALL. God-sized adventures start when we get out of the boat.
“Make no mistake. God tests our willingness to follow Him in obedience even if no one can or will go with us. We won’t embrace with both hands what God has for us if we hold our old lives with a death grip.” -Beth Moore
“While at first simply trusting God to take you outside your experience is a huge leap of faith, eventually God will expect more of you. Remember, faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Erwin McManus
Is God calling you to take a step out of the boat?