I understand the reasoning behind titling your dream list with the word “bucket“ – but I also have quite the aversion to it. And no, it’s not because it references dying, but because “bucket” is an ugly word. I don’t want to have to keep writing or saying that word when speaking of my innermost hopes and dreams. So my list is actually called “THE LIST.” It’s pretty self-explanatory.
I love hearing when others achieve their goals and cross items off of their list. It’s challenging and, oftentimes, inspiring. Watching as friends and family chase their dreams, take on the remarkable, and learn life-altering truths has only fueled my own hopes.
Last week we spent a lot of time talking about expressing our goals and making them happen. Goals are good. They are a great way to remain motivated and forward thinking. Goals keep me away from the TV and out accomplishing. But dreams require more than just an errand or a little extra effort. My dreams are the things I whisper in prayer, share carefully, and cultivate in the back of my mind. In order to make my dream list, the item must require more than I have within me to achieve on most days. Dreams, at least for me, tend to motivate my everyday thinking and living. They keep me living wide-awake and looking for opportunity.
I would encourage you to think about your own list… be it bucket, goals, dreams, or just “The List”. Keep adding, keep the list handy, and dream bigger than what you could ask for or imagine. The satisfaction of crossing off completed missions is enjoyable, but it’s the process, the journey, that makes for the actual living. Mt. Kilimanjaro… one day you and I WILL meet!
“Whatever you have in mind, go ahead and do it, for the LORD is with you.” 2 Samuel 7:3
Living out His story,