I hope you had a wonderful celebration yesterday!
I wanted to leave a little note to let you know that I’m going to be taking a break from blogging for the rest of 2011. After the “Love Is” series it became quite apparent that I needed to take some more time to rest and to listen to my Heavenly Father.
A post by Henri Nouwen in my Advent book ( Advent and Christmas Wisdom from Henri J. M. Nouwen) specifically challenged me to take time to listen before making lists and goals for the next year.
I hope you enjoy his words and that they bless you today!
The word “listening” in Latin is obedire, and audire means “listening with great attention.” That is where the word “obedience” comes from. Jesus is called the obedient one, that means the listener. The latin word for not listening, being deaf, is “surdus.” If you are absolutely not listening, that is where the word “absurd” comes from. So it might be interesting to note that somebody who is not listening is leading an absurd life…
Now, to become a listener; one way to do it is to say, “How can I let the ‘Lord is my Shepherd, there is nothing I shall want,'” enter in from my mind to my heart? I can say it is here and that is just a statement, but it becomes prayer when I experience the shepherding presence of God in the center of my being… Listening starts precisely when you move from the mind to the heart and let the truth of your being center you down.”
May THE Truth center us all down as we prepare for the newness of the coming year. See you in 2012!