Thank you for the encouragement, exhortation, and yes, entertainment you gave the women at our retreat. Without exception they felt that what you said was relevant to their lives and Biblical truth. More than a few have told me that the most profound thing you said was to close their devotional and open their Bible; hear and reflect on God’s message to them for themselves. I think a Bible study on how to study God’s Word may be coming up in the near future
Kristin Perona
Chandler Bible Church -
I heard you speak this morning at the MOPS group and your words were so encouraging to me. Many things that you said were exact issues I have been dealing with lately and I really believe God placed you and your words for me to hear today. I’m ready to let go of some things I have been holding onto that have been harmful in my mind and life. When God so lovingly reminds me through His word and through other people that it’s time to make the step to be intentional about certain life choices, I am so happy to listen and obey. So thank you so much for your words. Keep on sharing this message!
“Ginger is a beautifully transparently, biblically sound, energetic and passionate speakers. Her ability to connect with a diverse audience, spanning a wide age range, is one of the main reasons we’ve had her come back repeatedly and will use her for future women’s events. The depth and deeply personal relationship she has with Christ is apparently as she speaks and how she loves on those she interacts. She is a pleasure to work with and her words have deeply impacted the women who’ve attended her events.”
Jennifer Cusano
Coppell Bible Fellowship -
Ginger is a talented speaker. Her content focuses on the truths of Scripture and the availability of the Gospel. Her delivery is unique; rare is the occasion when I have ever found myself underwhelmed by her funny, vulnerable, and engaging speaking style. I remember telling Ginger years ago that she should start a speaking and teaching ministry. I am thrilled for all of our sakes that she has done so. I count it a privilege to be a partner in the Gospel with her & find myself looking forward to having the opportunity to listen whenever she speaks.
Matt Lantz
Recruitment and Development Pastor -
Ginger Ciminello is engaging, humorous, biblically sound, relatable, thought provoking and every adjective you can think of to describe an incredible speaker. But more important than her natural gifts and talents as a communicator is the incredible condition of her heart. The calling from God on Ginger’s life is firm. The passion she displays in expressing Christ’s story pushes you to think in ways that you never expected. It dares you to reexamine your current perspective and motivates you to create change in your life. God’s overwhelming power and presence will be evident with your investment in Ginger Ciminello.
Carey C. Bailey
Life Coach, Teacher, Dreamer